
Borgartúni 21, 105 Reykjavík.

Ártorgi 1, 550 Sauðárkrókur.

Hafnarstræti 107, 600 Akureyri.

Kt: 581219-1480

Opening Hours

Mon to Thur 8:30AM - 3:30PM
Fridays from 9AM - 2PM

Phone: 440 6400


About the Hous­ing and Construct­ion Aut­hority

About the Hous­ing and Construct­ion Aut­hority

Our role is to protect public life quality, assets and the environment by ensuring professional preparation for construction and active monitoring of quality and safety, thus contributing to a better supply of affordable housing, both for rent and for lease. We aim to assess future needs and estimate the supply of housing to contribute to greater stability in the housing market.